

Add a flavor to your meal with pickle and Papad (Seema Singhal)

Indian tradition is rich in offers a variety of dishes. Each State in India is associated with different types of dishes. A food menu here ends with various pickles and papads. This is why when someone eats delicious food; do you want to taste it again and again. The list of these pickles contain different versions including chilli, mango, garlic, ginger, carrot, cauliflower, Swede and many more.

Some of them are cute; Some are acidic while others have both sweet and tangy taste. If you like pickle, it is good; because they not only help speed digestion but also low in calories and no fat. The same is the case with papad, it is also served with any meal from breakfast to dinner. Also, a survey has shown that Asia consumes more pickle compared to the others.

In the past when women left on the housing only instead of doing any job, most of them prepare pickles and papads at home. In modern times, most women work so they prefer to buy them ready made both and the demand for it has increased. To meet this demand has entered a number of people to this business. These pickle manufacturers India as well as papad manufacturers India provides its products to every city. You might be aware of papad, let us do with pickles available and most commonly used:

Mango Pickle-it is the most common pickles. The people in each region, love to serve and eat different food. It is prepared with unripe mango that usually comes in early summer. It is sour in taste. When prepared, it can be used throughout the year.

Chilli Pickle-be sour to the taste, you can do this at any time during the year. It can also be taken with ordinary chapatti. It can also be used for 3-4 months.

Carrot-It may be prepared in tangy-sweet flavor. You can also do it either tart or sweet according to their taste. It should be consumed 2 months.

Cauliflower-It is also prepared in both tart and sweet taste depending on the taste of an individual. This Pickle is also consumed in the prior two months.

Garlic and Ginger-It improves digestion and also adds a different flavor to the food. You can also use it throughout the year.

In addition to pickle manufacturers are also exporters requested India bhujia. They provide the kinds of bhujia is used as a snack with tea or coffee. So try them and get benefited.

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